Our Children's Songs With Illustrations

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Edward Lear.
The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea
In a beautiful pea-green boat; They took some honey, and plenty of money,
Wrapped up in a five-pound note. The Owl looked up to the moon above,
And sung to a small guitar, " O lovely Pussy ! O Pussy, my love!
What a beautiful Pussy you are� You are�
What a beautiful Pussy you are!"
Pussy said to the Owl, " You elegant fowl!
How wonderful sweet you sing! Oh, let us be married�too long we have tarried�
But what shall we do for a ring?" They sailed away for a year and a day,
To the land where the bong-tree grows; And there, in a wood, a Piggywig stood,
With a ring in the end of his nose� His nose�
With a ring in the end of his nose.
" They looked so pretty and happy,
All flying and hopping around; I think they were going to build their nests,
And were picking up straws from the ground
" Why didn't God tell them, mamma, That the snow was coming again ?
And teach them to wait in a warmer place, Till he sent the April rain ?"
" God knows what is best for birdies,
As well as for you and me: And, Gracie, I think they are hidden away,
All safe, where we can not see.
" The spring is as sure as ever,
Though we did not expect the snow :
And we and the bluebirds can wait for God; For he loves us well, we know.
" By-and-by, when the storm is over, You may scatter some crumbs about;
And if any hungry bluebird is near, I think he will find them out.
" Dear Pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling
Your ring ?" Said the Piggy, " I will." So they took it away, and were married next day
By the Turkey who lives on the hill. They dined upon mince and slices of quince,
Which they eat with a runcible spoon; And, hand-in-hand, on the edge of the sand,
They danced by the light of the moon� The moon�
They danced by the light of the moon.
"And soon, when the snow is melted, They will all come back again;
And grass will grow, and birdies will know They have not waited in vain.
" God doesn't tell birds nor people What storms are coming some day:
He wants them to wait, and trust in him; For he knows the very best way!"
" Why didn't God tell them, mamma ?''
Said Gracie, in sad surprise, As she stood by the window, and saw the snow
On the earth, in the air, and the skies.
" Tell whom, my little girl, Gracie ?
Who was it you wanted told ?" "Why, the poor little bluebirds! don't you know?
I'm afraid they have died in the cold'
" 'Twas only yesterday morning
I heard them singing so gay; I suppose they were sure that spring had come,
And winter had gone away.
Little Gracie thought and listened,
And the trouble went out of her eyes;
But she kept her watch at the window all day, Till the storm had gone out of the skies.
And just at the cold, gray sunset, A " peep�peep�peep !" was heard,
And down on the door-step, for Grade's crumbs, Flew one little lonely bird.
" You've come for your supper!" said Gracie: " God sent you, I guess : he knows!
And, birdie, you needn't be afraid, No matter how much it snows!
" Just shut your eyes, and wait, birdie,
Till God says ' Ready!' then fly, And see how the grass will be growing green,
All under the warm blue sky!"